The zk.Link Labs Ecosystem Developer Grants Program funds individuals and teams building a more functional, accessible, and impactful economy. By offering financial support and a suite of resources, this program is set to empower developers to explore the frontiers of blockchain innovation, creating applications that push the boundaries of what’s possible. To make this possible, zk.Link Labs are allocating 2% of the total token supply or 20,000,000 ZKL to successful grant applicants.
Recipients of the zk.Link Ecosystem Grant not only receive financial backing but also gain marketing and PR assistance, along with access to the zk.Link ecosystem community. This integrated support structure is designed to amplify project visibility, foster community engagement, and accelerate growth.
For more information about zk.Link, please visit the zk.Link website ( and zk.Link Nova website (
We invite anyone and everyone to apply for a grant. Projects funded through our programs are broad in scope, but our priority will be given to DApps that leverage zk.Link’s unique capabilities. Projects that demonstrate a keen understanding of zk.Link’s features and how to utilize them for ecosystem growth will stand out in our review process.
The application period for Phase 1(P1) runs from March 11th, 2024, to June 11th, 2024, with successful applicants notified by the latest June 15, 2024. Results of the grant applications will be released at the end of every Quarter.
Participants can submit their application in the registration form here.
P1 Milestone Grants are capped at $50,000 ZKL per project.
Each grant application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and selected applicants will be notified to discuss additional criterias and milestone KPIs with the zk.Link Labs team.
We strongly recommend reading through the following pages to ensure your submission has the highest chances of success, as these contain critical information in crafting your application responses.
Domain Categorie phases.
<aside> ⚠️ You are applying to the zkLink Grant Program. This grants program supports builders with milestones-based funding for growth. All grants issued through this program will serve to improve the adoption of zkLink Ecosystem and supported chains, create stronger technical structures, and build sustainable communities in the zkLink Ecosystem.